Welcome to our little piece of cyberspace. We are the residents of this home, where we eat, sleep, lounge, and protect. Read a little about us.

Hi everybody! I’m the newest member of the family. I’ve only been here since December 25, 2013. So far I’m spending my time running around and exploring every hidden space I can find. I’m only 12 weeks old, so I get pretty tired out and have to take many naps during the day. In between though, I like playing with all of my little toys. My favorite is the little rings made from the toilet paper roll. They’re really fun to roll around, even if they slide far under the couch. It’s fun to make my owners fetch them!
(**We said farewell to Trixie on January 3, 2012. She lived to be 18 years and 8 months old! In the end it was difficult for her to see and hear, but she kept her feisty spirit up till the end. She will be greatly missed.)

I was born in the “Frogtown” section of Los Angeles, more properly known as Elysian Heights, on May 1, 1993. When I was first adopted, I wasn’t any larger than a size 9 shoe. It was a rough beginning, but I had a companion in my older sister, Mazel. I’m 14 1/2 years old, and am named after a dog my owner’s family had over 30 years ago.
My passion is chasing a ball thrown from the back deck. I will run down those steps and fetch the ball as many times as someone will throw it. Even when it goes under one of the bushes, I can usually sniff it out and bring it back upstairs to the deck.
I have a pretty good vocabulary. When I hear the word “ball,” I go off in search of mine. When I hear the word “bath,” I usually run into the bedrooom and dive under the bed. And when I hear the word “walk,” I usually run to the front door, excited to go outside. Some think I’m a genius, and I’m not going to argue with them. How many other dogs do you know who can “hug” on command? I rest my case.
(***EMO left us for a better place on December 31, 2010, at the age of 13 and 1/2. He was a beautiful dog with the kindest spirit)

I’m 10 1/2. The first thing I remember was wandering around the streets of El Monte. It was cold and lonely, and a nice woman took me in her car to iBrowse COFFEE coffeehouse, where I was adopted by the owner. It was a little strange when I was taken to my new home, because there were already two other animals living there.

I like to push my head against anything, and everybody likes me. I used to have a chewing problem. My owner likes to tell the story about coming home one day to find two things on the floor: a floppy disk that was 1/4th eaten, and a book that I chewed up called “Dog Training My Way.” You don’t believe me? Take a look!
(***Mazel has gone off to Kitty Heaven on September 23, 2008, at the age of 18 and 1/2. She was the sweetest cat)

Like I care what you think. I’m the family cat. I was here before those two dogs, and I know who’s boss around here. I live just above the dogs. I eat on top of the refrigerator, and sleep in either my fluffy winter basket or my wicker summer basket on top of the cupboard in the kitchen. I use the small hole in the dog door to go outside whenever I want, and spend a lot of time lounging on the neighbor’s garage top. It’s sort of my vacation hacienda. I’m 14 years old, and was given to my owner by a student of his at El Sereno Middle School.